Samstag, 4. Februar 2012

Has Leonardo DiCaprio ALSO Moved On???

To quote Celine Dion's immortal lyrics from the Titanic theme song, the heart DOES go on…and in Leonardo DiCaprio and Blake Lively's case, the heart goes on super quickly!
Earlier today, we heard reports that Blake has already moved on from Leo to Ryan Reynolds!
Now, we're hearing that Leo has ALSO moved on with former Australia's [...]

We kid, we kid. She's so not.

Her characters on Ringer though, yeah they've got the bitch factor working in overtime.

We hope that you all are stilling tuning in to Sarah Michelle Gellar's new CW show. Word has it that things are really starting to pick up on the show and hopefully, enough people are watching that we'll get to see some more twist and turns as the weeks progress. There is still so much to be figured out!

Here's the promo for next week's episode, A Whole New Kind Of Bitch, to show you what we mean! (above)

Are U hooked?

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